Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Webinar: Overviews of New AHRQ Environmental Snapshot Report and Issuance of Non-regulatory Request for Information (RFI)

July 31, 2012,  11:30-:00 p.m., MDT

Through multiple mechanisms, including the judgment of the CE planning group, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has identified a gap in a health care/public health practitioner’s competency within the health IT environment. This series of webinars is designed to increase practitioners’ competencies to improve health care decision-making; support patient-centered care and improve the quality and safety of medication management. The purpose of this specific Webinar is to present highlights of a new AHRQ report Quality Measurement Enabled by Health IT: Overview, Possibilities, and Challenges, including a catalog of current work in this area, possibilities for the next generation of health IT-enabled quality measurement, and presentation of a few anecdotes from real world experience at the Veterans Health Administration. The new report provides context for others to consider in responding to the AHRQ-sponsored non-regulatory Request for Information (RFI) on Quality Measurement Enabled by Health IT, which seeks input from stakeholders on prioritized issues requiring further development and successful strategies to improve health IT-enabled quality measurement. The RFI is available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-07-20/html/2012-17530.htm.
Confirmed Speakers:
Kristine Martin Anderson, M.B.A, Senior Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton

Joe Francis, M.D., M.P.H., Director of Clinical Analytics and Reporting, Veterans Health Administration

Learning Objectives:
1) Describe two challenges to achieving an interoperable, patient-centered system for advanced quality measurement.
2) Describe two ways EHR applications and standard measure sets could be configured to support quality measurement. 
3) Identify two current ongoing activities across Federal, State, and private initiatives related to enabling health IT for quality measurement activities.
4) Discuss two long-term goals that may be achieved by pursuing health IT-enabled quality measurement.

Target Audience: hospitals, physicians, government agencies, health IT vendors, measure developers, health plans, quality improvement organizations, and researchers interested in quality measurement and health IT

To Register:
2. Select "Register."
3. On the registration form, enter your information and then select "Submit."